
We are dedicated to providing compassionate care in a manner that nurtures the
physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of all those we serve.

We started as a family-owned company

Our management company, Century Care Management, was founded by Noah Duncan beginning with a nursing home in Laurinburg, North Carolina. Mr. Duncan had a passion to provide care for those whose needs were beyond what their families could provide. 

Over the years, Century Care's reputation grew and so did our desire to include other North Carolina towns that did not have enough care providers in those communities. We now serve seven North Carolina towns through nine nursing homes.

... and we still are.

Sadly, Noah died in 2011. However, his passion to provide quality care to other North Carolinians did not end. Century Care remains in the hands of the Duncan family and their dedication to providing quality health care is just as strong as Noah's was. The Duncan family tradition of service to others continues.

We're not a mega-company nor part of a national chain. We are proud to be locally owned, managed and operated.

Everyone who works in a Century Care facility or in our headquarters lives in a North Carolina community. Some of us live in the very same neighborhoods of the families we serve. Local folks caring for their neighbors. It shouldn't be any other way, should it?